12. Summary
![Objective function](img/screen-shot-2018-06-26-at-11.53.35-am.png)
Objective function
### Policy-Based Methods
- With value-based methods, the agent uses its experience with the environment to maintain an estimate of the optimal action-value function. The optimal policy is then obtained from the optimal action-value function estimate.
- Policy-based methods directly learn the optimal policy, without having to maintain a separate value function estimate.
### Policy Function Approximation
- In deep reinforcement learning, it is common to represent the policy with a neural network.
- This network takes the environment state as input.
- If the environment has discrete actions, the output layer has a node for each possible action and contains the probability that the agent should select each possible action.
- The weights in this neural network are initially set to random values. Then, the agent updates the weights as it interacts with (and learns more about) the environment.
### More on the Policy
- Policy-based methods can learn either stochastic or deterministic policies, and they can be used to solve environments with either finite or continuous action spaces.
### Hill Climbing
- Hill climbing is an iterative algorithm that can be used to find the weights \theta for an optimal policy.
- At each iteration,
- We slightly perturb the values of the current best estimate for the weights \theta_{best}, to yield a new set of weights.
- These new weights are then used to collect an episode. If the new weights \theta_{new} resulted in higher return than the old weights, then we set \theta_{best} \leftarrow \theta_{new}.
### Beyond Hill Climbing
- Steepest ascent hill climbing is a variation of hill climbing that chooses a small number of neighboring policies at each iteration and chooses the best among them.
- Simulated annealing uses a pre-defined schedule to control how the policy space is explored, and gradually reduces the search radius as we get closer to the optimal solution.
- Adaptive noise scaling decreases the search radius with each iteration when a new best policy is found, and otherwise increases the search radius.
### More Black-Box Optimization
- The cross-entropy method iteratively suggests a small number of neighboring policies, and uses a small percentage of the best performing policies to calculate a new estimate.
- The evolution strategies technique considers the return corresponding to each candidate policy. The policy estimate at the next iteration is a weighted sum of all of the candidate policies, where policies that got higher return are given higher weight.
### Why Policy-Based Methods?
- There are three reasons why we consider policy-based methods:
- Simplicity: Policy-based methods directly get to the problem at hand (estimating the optimal policy), without having to store a bunch of additional data (i.e., the action values) that may not be useful.
- Stochastic policies: Unlike value-based methods, policy-based methods can learn true stochastic policies.
- Continuous action spaces: Policy-based methods are well-suited for continuous action spaces.